Defining the problem


After becoming aware of an issue and deciding to act upon it, you have to define the exact problem you’re going to solve. It can be a problem that’s specific to your community or it may be significant due to recent events, or it could be a specific problem within a larger, ongoing issue. Once the problem has been defined, it’s time to draw up a problem statement of what you plan to tackle!

For example: An issue I care about is education and I’ve noticed there’s a literacy gap in the elementary schools my siblings go to. The problem I’m advocating for is closing the literacy gap in the schools in my community.

Narrowing your scope

As you think about the issue and your problem statement, consider how you can begin to advocate for change. This may involve narrowing what you want to achieve to just focus on a few goals that are possible.

For example: To close this literacy gap, I want to make books more accessible to elementary school students.