Create a social media campaign


Social media is a great way to spread awareness beyond your immediate circle of family, friends and classmates. Through shares, retweets and the like, your message can potentially reach a much larger audience.

See these tips and suggestions for implementing successful social media campaigns.

Top five ways to use social media for a cause

These are the five ways for using social media to involve your community and put pressure on decision-makers:

  • Build a presence for your cause and organization.
  • Create content for your cause on your personal or cause account.
  • Share content from other accounts.
  • Go live.
  • Work with influencers and content creators.

Build a presence for your cause and organization

Create social profiles for your organization across the different social platforms - e.g. Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, etc. Make it clear in the bio or description what your mission is and the issue that you want to change. Putting out engaging content that is relevant to your cause helps build presence for your cause and organization.

Create content for your cause on your personal or cause account

Make sure you regularly publish content (e.g. once a week) on your channels that clearly communicates the issue in question and the impact that it has. Ensure that the content is engaging, and that people want to share it on their own channels. This will spread the word about your cause. Voting and poll features are a good way to engage with your followers and get them to contribute to the conversation. Also use the key hashtags associated with the issue, so that you are involved in the wider conversation. This will also help your accounts pop up on people’s searches when they look for those hashtags.

Share content from other accounts

Sharing interesting and good content is a great way of staying part of the conversation and reaffirming your and your organization’s credentials. Use the key hashtags to search for relevant information and accounts but be sure to verify the source of the information first. Sharing unverified information, which turns out to be false, can create untold damage to your cause.

Go live

Using Live, Event and Fundraising functions to host live sessions and events is a great way of creating engaging content and raising awareness in your cause. It also creates a sense of a virtual or physical community by bringing people together and can raise money for your specific cause if applicable.

Work with influencers and content creators

Influencers and content creators are a good way to make content that people like and want to share. This is because it’s their job! They should also know the latest trends and style of content that are doing well. And depending on how many followers the influencer has, the content you create with them, or if they share something you’ve produced, will be seen by many more people, which will raise awareness of your cause. Contact influencers who are interested in your area of topic or seem like they could be. But be warned – some influencers will want to be paid for creating or sharing content!